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jeudi 13 août 2015
How to use Google Maps offline - AndroidPIT
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How to use Google Maps offline
Authored by:Robert Zak — 11 hours ago

Whether it's to scope out the quickest route to get somewhere or just to figure out where exactly I am when visiting a new area, I use Google Maps almost daily. But I often find myself in situations where I either have no cell or Wi-Fi reception or would incur huge roaming costs, and Google Maps becomes impractical to use. Here's how to use Google Maps offline so that you don’t need to consume data each time you want to look at it.
Google Maps tips and tricksHow to share directions from Google Maps
How to use your Google Maps offline
Open Google Maps and search for your desired location.Once you've found the location/area you want to save for later, there are three ways you can save it:Type “OK Maps” in the search bar,Tap the microphone icon and say "OK maps"Tap the search bar, scroll all the way to the bottom, then and hitSave a new offline map. You can go into map-saving mode by typing 'OK maps' in the Maps search bar, or scrolling to the bottom and tapping 'Save a new offline map'. / © ANDROIDPITYou will be asked if you want to save this map. Pan or zoom the view so that it displays all of the information you require. Unlike a mere screenshot, the maps can be zoomed into and display information like street and building names as you get closer.Pan and zoom until you cover the area you want to save for offline use, then tap Save and give the map a name. / © ANDROIDPITOnce you have saved the map to your device, to access it, tap the 'hamburger' menu icon at the top left of Maps app, then Your places.Scroll to the bottom of the new screen, then you should see all your saved maps under Saved places. Just tap the map you want to to view offline.Open the Maps hamburger menu, then tap 'Your places' to view your downloaded maps. / © ANDROIDPIT
A downloaded map doesn’t require a huge amount of space. New York, for example, took up only 13 megabytes when completely downloaded. However, if you're wary of your data allowance, you might want to be connected to Wi-Fi before downloading all the maps you want.
Here's a video for you more visual types:
Limitations of offline maps
There are some limitations to the functionality of the offline maps, mostly regarding the size of the location you’re looking for. For example, New York and surrounding areas would be a bit too much for just one cached file and you will receive a message saying it can't be saved. In this scenario, it would need to be broken into smaller, surrounding areas. Also, offline navigation is not available, nor is the ability to conduct a search within the offline map file. The maps you download will be stored for thirty days and after this they are automatically deleted, so don't presume they will last forever.
The cache size before and after downloading a map of central London - not a big difference. / © ANDROIDPIT
Has using Google Maps offline come in handy for you? Let us know in the comments.
About Robert Zak
A tech aficionado since he first picked up a NES controller, Robert has written about technology, videogames, and film across a range of sites and magazines, including Den of Geek, Gamasutra, and Computeractive. At AndroidPIT, he'll be bringing you the latest Android news and reviews from the front line in the UK.SHOW
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Marcus Velasquez 8 hours agoLink to comment
Yes, this is the information I am looking for. Google Maps are very important especially of you are always on the go.

CHIRAG PANCHOLI 3 weeks agoLink to comment
Nokia Here Maps App is the best real-time offline Maps App.

Joe Balbona 4 weeks agoLink to comment
Offline Google Maps is a joke and an embarrassment to Google. As the author stated, no offline navigation is possible. What savvy people do is download OmAnd which gives you offline navigation for free. I used it for getting to offbeat places in Aruba and it worked great. The first ten download of maps are free.

L.K. D. 4 hours agoLink to comment
I use another app calledMAPS.ME, you can download unlimited maps and it's completely free
it even supports offline search and navigation

Jinner 4 months agoLink to comment
There is a shortcut app in the Play Store which let's you access the save offline maps function with just one click. App name: Save offline maps / developer: Appz bv

Anindyo 8 months agoLink to comment
I got the message 'area unavalaible' at the top of my screen after I type 'ok maps'. I'm using maps version 9.0.0.
What's the problem?

Simon Hamelin-Pratte 9 months agoLink to comment
I hope an admin will help me out with this one!
I have the last version of Google Maps (8.3.1) and I think I master the "OK maps" method quite well. However, the probem I'm always stuck with is the terrible lack of details with the offline maps. For example, if a do a "OK maps" for a respectable pan of the map of a city, let's say Manhattan again, I end up having access to an offline maps showing around 1 street name on 10. (Thus, I can see the 42nd Street crossing the 1st Avenue, but I have to scroll north for a couple of others to see another street name appearing, which is, for instance, the 50th street)
Why do I have this problem? Why won't google maps let me save a map with a higher resolution ?

L.K. D. 4 hours agoLink to comment
I can't help you with this problem, but I can recommend that you use another app for offline use.
I think MAPS.ME is a really good app for that, you can download whole countries and it doesn't take up much space
it also supports offline search and navigation, along with information about many places.

jenes sutha 11 months agoLink to comment
I can't install Google play services pls help me installing time this msg ( incompatible with same shared users I'd) please help how to I install?....

Robin Scully 11 months agoLink to comment
Google Maps is also the default GPS system for the new Android phone, making it an attractive, convenient alternative to the traditional GPS device.

Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
OsmAnd also does offline navigation and even search if I'm not mistaken.

Saem Sarguroh Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
Sygic provides offline navigation if I am not wrong. You can try that.

Philipp Junghannß (My1)Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
I have navigator, free AND offline, but not rly fast... Lafs everywhere, but better than nothing...
Also Kris if this is gonna be an evergreen (and since there is no update, it certainly is one) it probably should be marked as such...

Scott Adam Gordon ADMIN STAFF
Jul 16, 2014Link to comment
Hi Philipp,
When we update an article, as I did here because the old article didn't make sense with the current Google Maps version, we are no longer creating a new post with a new title. This is so that the site doesn't end up with one up-to-date Maps article and a dozen other outdated ones.

L.K. D. 4 hours agoLink to comment
I use maps.me for offline maps, you can download full countries and it will take up just a little amount of space (China takes up only about 100MB of space). the app also supports offline navigation, but I use BE-ON-ROAD GPS navigation for that, it's a really good offline GPS, completely free. The maps take up a bigger space, though, and some countries have not been added yet.

Timothy Cremeans Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
Google maps is an app that is used by millions of users across the world and are a preferred map app used by smartphone users. The features like dynamic re-routing, reporting of incidents and live traffic updates will benefit travelers largely.
***Admin edit: links are forbidden

Scott Adam Gordon ADMIN STAFF
Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
Thanks for letting us know(!)

Joe Balbona 4 weeks agoLink to comment
But none of those features are available offline.

Ranjeesh Jul 14, 2014Link to comment
This looks like a tedious process to me.
The easier way to save a map is:
1. Tap and hold the region you want to save.
2. It'll load and show an address or as 'Dropped pin'.
3. Now tap on the address and you get the option to save the map for offline use.
4. You can pan and resize the map as you like now and save it.

Scott Adam Gordon ADMIN STAFF
Jul 15, 2014Link to comment
Great tip I'll include it in the article :)
1 Ranjeesh
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mercredi 12 août 2015
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mardi 4 août 2015
Decision Tree Software | Decision Tree Analysis in Excel | Syncopation Software


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Decision Tree Software
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DPL DIRECT is a pure Excel Add-in that can transform your rigid, deterministic cash flow spreadsheet into a flexible, probabilistic decision tree model that precisely describes your real-world problem.

How can DPL Direct help you?
Through a decision analysis approach, DPL Direct offers easy-to-use features that allow you to intuitively structure the problem at hand, explicitly map out the possible alternatives, and confidently identify the optimal decision policy given the range of outcomes possible. The steps for building a decision model are simple:
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During a Decision Analysis run DPL Direct will select the optimal alternative for each decision, both up-front and downstream, by maximizing or minimizing (if appropriate) the expected value of the output metric at each point in the decision tree to ensure the best decision is made, given the range of outcomes that are possible in the decision model.
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dimanche 2 août 2015
Embarquez vite sur diigo pour tout noter en rafales
- 308
- #careco
- #F117
- #visioconference
- 'créer
- 'pc
- 3g
- 4g
- 60gº
- 92120_cv_webmaster
- AA
- about
- access
- accessoires
- accounting
- actifs
- actions
- actu
- actualité
- Actualités
- admanager
- adresses
- adsearch
- adtech
- advertising
- AE
- afnic
- agence
- aggregator
- AI
- aida
- aide
- aidé
- alarmes
- algorithme
- allinone
- alternatives
- alternatives de sites web
- amazon
- analysis
- analytic solver
- analytics
- android
- annonces
- annonceurs
- annuaire
- annuweb
- answers
- api
- apk
- app
- appartement
- appbuilder
- appel d offre
- appel d'offre
- appli
- appli builder
- appli web
- application
- applimaker
- apprentissage
- apps
- apps ranking
- archive
- argent
- Argus
- art
- artistes
- artnumerique
- assets
- assistant
- assoce
- assurance
- astuces
- auction
- audience
- audiences personnalisées
- audio
- audit
- augmentation de capital
- authentification
- autoentrepreneur
- automatic
- automation software
- automatisation
- autoML
- automobiles
- autonome
- autoresponder
- autos
- avatar
- avions
- Avis
- awards
- BaaS
- banques
- baromètre
- baromètre des influenceurs
- baromêtre des ventes
- BDaaS
- bdd
- bidding
- big
- bigdata
- biogaz
- bitcoin
- biz
- bizz
- bloatwares
- blog
- boats
- bon plan web high-tech
- bookmark
- bookmarking
- bookmarklet
- bookmarks
- booster
- bots
- bourse
- boutique
- brevet
- brocantes
- bspce
- budget
- buffer
- business
- business plan
- buzz
- buzzing
- bénéfices
- CAC40
- cacs
- calendar
- caméra
- CAO3d
- carburants
- career
- carnet
- cars
- catalogue
- ceo
- changenow
- chanson
- chantier
- charts
- chief
- chiffres
- chrome
- chômage
- cinema
- ciné
- cinéma
- classements
- clients
- climat
- cloud
- cloud computing
- cloud natif
- clubs
- cmr
- cms
- coach
- coallition
- cobotique
- code
- colis
- collaboratif
- collègue
- com
- comments
- commerce
- commerces
- community
- comparateur
- comparateur de prix
- comparatif
- comparatif vélos électriques
- comparer
- comptabilité
- comptesansbanque
- concept
- conseil
- conseillers
- consultants
- consulting
- contacts
- containers
- conversion rate optimisation
- cooptation
- cop21
- core
- cotations
- courses
- covoiturage
- cpf
- crawled web data
- creative
- creator
- cro
- croissance
- crowdfunding
- crypto monnaie
- créer site web
- css3
- cultiver
- curation
- Current
- custumerintelligenceprogramme
- cv
- cyber
- cyber attaques
- d
- d'exception
- dailymotion
- darkstores
- data
- database
- datachiefmanager
- datadunet
- datamining
- dataplusweb
- datascientist
- dataviz
- debat
- dette
- devis
- devis_siteweb
- devops
- digital
- digital agency
- digitalisation
- Digitrends
- diigo
- direct
- directory
- discount
- discover
- distributeur IBM
- dividendes
- DL
- dma
- domiciliation
- données
- download
- drh
- drive piétons robotisé
- droits
- dsa
- dynastie
- décision
- dédicaces
- dématérialisation
- développement
- e learning
- e-business
- e-commerce
- ebooks
- economics
- economie
- editor
- education
- Eirl
- emailmarketing
- emails
- emploi
- emplois
- employment
- en
- encheres
- enchères
- encore
- encyclopedias
- engagement
- engineering
- enquetes
- entertainment
- entre particuliers
- entrepreneurs
- entreprise
- entrevista
- envoi
- erp
- erp@
- eshop
- estimation
- et
- euro numérique
- Euronext
- Events
- experience
- expert
- experts
- explorer
- extension
- factors
- faves
- favorites
- feader
- fed
- feed
- feedburner
- feedly
- feeds
- fiche_technique
- film
- films
- finance
- financement
- firefox
- flux
- fonction
- foodtech
- ford
- forecasts
- forfait
- formations
- forum
- fournisseur d'accès Internet
- France
- françaises
- free
- freelance
- freelances
- freemium
- freemonitorforgoogle
- freetools
- freewares
- friday
- friendfeed
- fullhybride
- fw500
- g7
- gafam
- gamers
- gamification
- gaming
- garage
- gatekeepers
- geek
- generator
- geodesie
- geolocalisertweet
- gerer
- gestion
- gestion de projet
- global
- gmail
- goat
- googlemaps
- googlers
- gran
- gratuit
- gta
- guide
- guidelines
- hashtags
- header
- heatmap
- help
- hft
- highest rated
- hightech
- historique
- homepage
- hootsuite
- hoster
- hotspots
- howto
- hq
- hub
- hybrid
- hydraulienne
- hôtels
- ia
- ias
- iawatson
- ibm
- identity
- identité_numerique
- idées
- images
- imdb
- immobilier
- impots
- imprimer
- indexation
- indicateurs
- Indices
- inflation
- influenceurs
- info
- infographics
- information
- informations
- informatique
- infos
- ingénierie
- innovation
- insights
- instapaper
- interactif
- International
- internationaux
- internet
- interview
- intérim
- investing
- investir
- iot
- ip
- iPad
- iphone
- irpp
- it
- jdn
- jeux
- jo2020
- job
- jobber
- jobs
- jobsearch
- jobwebads
- joecocker
- joinventure
- journal
- kgr
- Kiosque
- kpi
- lab
- lake
- lapse
- laptops
- leads
- learning
- lecture
- leica
- levée de fonds
- lexique
- licorne
- liens
- lifestyle
- ligne
- ligne'
- linked open data
- links
- linky
- list
- litige
- live
- livraison collaborative
- livraison par robot autonome
- livres
- livrées en 10 mn
- local
- localiser
- location
- location de smartphone
- logiciel
- logiciel seo
- logiciels
- logistique
- loi egalim
- loi pacte
- loi Pinel
- louer
- lowcode
- légendaires
- légendes
- magasins
- magazine
- maison
- maker
- management
- manuel
- map
- marché public
- marketing automation
- marketing digital
- marketplace
- mashup
- matchs
- matériaux
- Media
- meilleures applications
- metrics
- migration
- minutes
- mise en relation
- mix_energetique
- ML
- MO
- mobicard
- mobile
- mobile phone
- modèle
- modèle de données
- monetization
- monitoring
- montrouge_cv_webmaster
- moteur
- moto
- motorisation
- multi
- musique
- médical
- mémo
- métiers
- nano
- nas
- navigateur
- ndd
- neominitennis
- net
- netcards
- netlinking
- netvibes
- networking
- networks
- new
- news
- newsletter
- newsletters
- newspaper
- nextweb
- no_tag
- nocode
- Nokia
- notation
- notepad
- notes de frais
- numbers
- objectifs
- occasion
- officer
- offres
- online
- Open graph protocole
- open source
- optimiser smartphone
- options
- ordinateur
- outil
- outillage
- outils
- outliners
- paas
- pagerank
- paiement
- parametrage
- parier
- paroles
- partenariat
- partners
- paschr
- pee
- people
- periscope
- pesticides
- petites
- petites annonces
- peugeot
- phone
- photos
- pitch
- pitchs
- pièces détachées
- planmultimedia
- plans
- platform
- plug&play
- plus
- plus1
- pme
- pneus
- podcast
- pollution
- portable'
- portal
- potager
- pouvoir d'achat
- pr
- pratique
- presentation
- pricing
- processus de vente
- product
- production
- productivité
- professional
- professionals
- projet
- pronostics
- proposer
- prospection
- préparation de commandes
- prévisions
- psp
- quantique
- Query
- questions
- quot
- R&D
- radars
- ranking
- rapide
- ratings
- ratios financiers
- reader
- reading
- reconditionné
- reconditionnées
- reconnaissance d'images
- recrutement
- redite
- reference
- referencement
- referencer
- referenceur
- reflation
- reiterer
- releases
- reliefs
- rent
- reparer
- requête
- resources
- ressources
- resume
- resumer
- retail
- retraite
- reviews
- revue-de-presse
- rgpd
- robot
- roy
- réalité_augmentée
- Référencement
- rémunérés
- réparations
- réseau social
- réseaux sociaux
- résultats
- saas
- sale
- salon
- sans
- santé
- Satellites
- scalable
- scandale
- schedule
- scoop
- scoops
- scooter4roues
- scorecards
- scores
- scoring
- screenshots
- script
- scripts
- search
- searchengine
- securiser
- securite
- segmentation
- selfies
- seo
- seochecking
- seotools
- serp
- serp@
- serveurs web dédiés
- service
- services
- share
- sharer
- sharing
- shopping
- simulations
- sirh
- site
- sites
- smallbiz
- smartfeed
- smartlock
- smartphone
- smartphones
- sms
- social
- social media
- socialbookmarking
- socialbookmarks
- socialnetwork
- socialnetworking
- société
- softskills
- software
- solution cloud
- solution digitale
- solution_site_web
- solutions RH
- sondage
- sources
- specialistes
- splinternet
- sports
- start
- startpage
- startup
- startups
- statistiques
- stats
- stockage
- store
- stories
- stratégie biz
- stratégie web marketing
- streaming
- stroboscope
- submit
- surveiller
- sync
- synthètiser
- série_télévisée
- séries
- T1
- TaaS
- tablette
- tagging
- talents
- talentueux
- tanker
- taux
- tax
- tchat
- tech
- technologie
- technology
- techrh
- teleprog
- tendances
- Thoughts
- thumbnails
- thumbs
- tic
- Time
- timelapse
- timeline
- tnt
- tokenisation
- tools
- top stories
- topics
- toplikes
- torino
- tourisme
- toyotisme
- tpe
- trading
- traffic Meter
- transfonum
- trending
- trends
- troc
- trust
- trésor
- tunnel de vente
- tuto
- tutorial
- tutoriel
- tutos
- tv
- tweeter
- tweets
- twist
- twitterpolls
- téléphonie
- update
- usa
- ux
- v2
- v2g
- vdi
- veille
- vidéos
- vidéos-games
- vignettes
- villes2.0
- virtuel
- visibilité
- voicesearch
- voiture
- voiture autonome
- voiture volante
- voitures
- véhicule
- w3c
- watch
- wave
- web
- web2.0
- web3
- webapp
- webcards
- webdev
- webhosting
- webmarketing
- webmaster
- webmastering
- webmasters
- webmestre
- webminars
- website
- websitebuilder
- websites
- webtools
- wi-fi
- wifi
- WiFi as a service
- wiki
- wireless
- work
- world
- x50
- youtube
- zoeken
- zones franches vertes
- échange
- économie
- éditions
- émissions
- événements
samedi 1 août 2015
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